Eway Rapid and Magento Integration Guide

All requests to eWAY’s Rapid API need to be authenticated using basic authentication. This uses the eWAY API Key and Password in the username and password fields respectively.
This authentication is sent in the HTTP header, most frameworks and libraries provide a way to set these. The eWAY SDKs accept the API key & password along with the endpoint (sandbox or production) when they are initialised.

Creating an eWAY Sandbox API key

1. You will need an eWAY Partner Account – if you don’t have an account, sign up for free!
2. Navigate to the Sandbox using the link below for your country
  • Sandbox Australia
  • Sandbox New Zealand
3. Go to My Account > API Key
4. Your Rapid API Key will be displayed in the API Key field
5. Click Generate Password to create a password for the key. A password can only be viewed once after it has been generated – if you forget it a new one can be generated by clicking Generate Password again (the old one will no longer work).

Install TrexleMagento module by browsing to the root folder of your Magento installation and issuing modman clone git@github.com:Trexle/TrexleMagento.git. You can also download the module from our github repository and see full installation details.
In your Magento admin interface, browse into System/Configuration.

Browse into Sales/Payments, and configure Trexle with live and test API endpoints and your Trexle API keys, then click Save Config

Finally, create a test product, logout from your admin session, and test the normal customer checkout.
There are several test credit card numbers available to use. All provided test cards listed will pass a Luhn check, however all the below cards will be declined on the live gateway.
Visa – 4444333322221111
Mastercard – 5105105105105100 / 2223000048400011 / 2223520043560014
Amex – 378282246310005
Diners – 38520000023237 or 30569309025904
Q. What expiry date should be used?
A. Any valid(future) expiry date can be passed with the card.

Q. What Name should be used?
A. Any name can be used, we recommend using eWAY test to identify these as your test payments in the live gateway.

Q. If a CVN is required, what number can be used?
A. If CVN’s are required for testing the following formats should be used:
Visa/Mastercard/Diners – Any 3 digits
Amex – Any 4 digits
Q. What result will the eWAY test card (4444333322221111) receive on the live gateway?
A. On the live gateway, this card will always fail, usually with the error 58 Function Not Permitted to Terminal or 92 Unable To Route Transaction.


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